A series of Python3 script to lower the barrier of computing and simulating molecular and material systems.
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22 lines
861 B

Coordinates from ORCA-job cmmd E -4.174962272510
C 1.068140 0.069870 0.021800
H 2.160340 0.069870 0.021800
H 0.704080 -0.652790 0.755360
H 0.704070 -0.204080 -0.970830
H 0.704070 1.066480 0.280860
Coordinates from ORCA-job cmmd E -4.175218465760
C 1.068140 0.069870 0.021798
H 2.150450 0.069870 0.021798
H 0.707375 -0.646250 0.748718
H 0.707369 -0.201600 -0.961839
H 0.707366 1.057460 0.278514
Coordinates from ORCA-job cmmd E -4.175218519970
C 1.068140 0.069870 0.021798
H 2.150300 0.069871 0.021797
H 0.707424 -0.646152 0.748618
H 0.707419 -0.201563 -0.961703
H 0.707417 1.057324 0.278480