A series of Python3 script to lower the barrier of computing and simulating molecular and material systems.
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22 lines
861 B

Coordinates from ORCA-job cmmd E -4.174962274600
C 1.081340 0.007600 -0.057670
H 2.173540 0.007600 -0.057670
H 0.717280 -0.907330 -0.530170
H 0.717280 0.874260 -0.613770
H 0.717280 0.055870 0.970940
Coordinates from ORCA-job cmmd E -4.175218465760
C 1.081342 0.007600 -0.057669
H 2.163652 0.007600 -0.057669
H 0.720575 -0.899047 -0.525890
H 0.720574 0.866416 -0.608735
H 0.720577 0.055432 0.961623
Coordinates from ORCA-job cmmd E -4.175218519970
C 1.081343 0.007600 -0.057668
H 2.163503 0.007600 -0.057669
H 0.720624 -0.898922 -0.525825
H 0.720624 0.866297 -0.608659
H 0.720626 0.055425 0.961482