# Computational Molecular and Material Design Environment (CMMDE)
## Background
This software is developed for decreasing the barrier in using popular open-source computational chemistry software. Currently, CMMDE can use the following software:
CMMDE is a set of tools based on Python for running computational jobs, as well as analyzing, visualizing, and post-processing the results in free/libre and open source applications for computational molecular & material design.
Sebelum menginstall CMMDE, perhatikan bahwa anda harus terlebih dahulu menginstall `slurm` untuk mengatur pengiriman pekerjaan komputasi anda ke suatu sistem antrian. Salah satu metode yang paling mudah untuk menginstall `slurm` dapat ditemukan di [sini](https://drtailor.medium.com/how-to-setup-slurm-on-ubuntu-20-04-for-single-node-work-scheduling-6cc909574365).
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/bin/pip3.9'
ln -s /usr/bin/pip /usr/bin/pip3.9
4. Jika ingin menjalankan program cmmde-gui:
cd cmmde_gui
panel serve gui.py --autoreload
## Catatan
Jika hanya ingin menginstall CMMDE versi _text-based_, cukup lakukan langkah 1-3. Langkah 4 hanya dilakukan jika ingin menjalankan CMMDE versi _graphical user interface_. Namun versi ini perlu menginstall `panel-chemistry versi 0.0.11`.