A series of Python3 script to lower the barrier of computing and simulating molecular and material systems.
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144 lines
8.5 KiB

2 years ago
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# -***- #
# Department of theory and spectroscopy #
# Directorship and core code : Frank Neese #
# Max Planck Institute fuer Kohlenforschung #
# Kaiser Wilhelm Platz 1 #
# D-45470 Muelheim/Ruhr #
# Germany #
# #
# All rights reserved #
# -***- #
Program Version 5.0.2 - RELEASE -
With contributions from (in alphabetic order):
Daniel Aravena : Magnetic Suceptibility
Michael Atanasov : Ab Initio Ligand Field Theory (pilot matlab implementation)
Alexander A. Auer : GIAO ZORA, VPT2 properties, NMR spectrum
Ute Becker : Parallelization
Giovanni Bistoni : ED, misc. LED, open-shell LED, HFLD
Martin Brehm : Molecular dynamics
Dmytro Bykov : SCF Hessian
Vijay G. Chilkuri : MRCI spin determinant printing, contributions to CSF-ICE
Dipayan Datta : RHF DLPNO-CCSD density
Achintya Kumar Dutta : EOM-CC, STEOM-CC
Dmitry Ganyushin : Spin-Orbit,Spin-Spin,Magnetic field MRCI
Miquel Garcia : C-PCM and meta-GGA Hessian, CC/C-PCM, Gaussian charge scheme
Yang Guo : DLPNO-NEVPT2, F12-NEVPT2, CIM, IAO-localization
Andreas Hansen : Spin unrestricted coupled pair/coupled cluster methods
Benjamin Helmich-Paris : MC-RPA, TRAH-SCF, COSX integrals
Lee Huntington : MR-EOM, pCC
Robert Izsak : Overlap fitted RIJCOSX, COSX-SCS-MP3, EOM
Marcus Kettner : VPT2
Christian Kollmar : KDIIS, OOCD, Brueckner-CCSD(T), CCSD density, CASPT2, CASPT2-K
Simone Kossmann : Meta GGA functionals, TD-DFT gradient, OOMP2, MP2 Hessian
Martin Krupicka : Initial AUTO-CI
Lucas Lang : DCDCAS
Marvin Lechner : AUTO-CI (C++ implementation), FIC-MRCC
Dagmar Lenk : GEPOL surface, SMD
Dimitrios Liakos : Extrapolation schemes; Compound Job, initial MDCI parallelization
Dimitrios Manganas : Further ROCIS development; embedding schemes
Dimitrios Pantazis : SARC Basis sets
Anastasios Papadopoulos: AUTO-CI, single reference methods and gradients
Taras Petrenko : DFT Hessian,TD-DFT gradient, ASA, ECA, R-Raman, ABS, FL, XAS/XES, NRVS
Peter Pinski : DLPNO-MP2, DLPNO-MP2 Gradient
Christoph Reimann : Effective Core Potentials
Marius Retegan : Local ZFS, SOC
Christoph Riplinger : Optimizer, TS searches, QM/MM, DLPNO-CCSD(T), (RO)-DLPNO pert. Triples
Tobias Risthaus : Range-separated hybrids, TD-DFT gradient, RPA, STAB
Michael Roemelt : Original ROCIS implementation
Masaaki Saitow : Open-shell DLPNO-CCSD energy and density
Barbara Sandhoefer : DKH picture change effects
Avijit Sen : IP-ROCIS
Kantharuban Sivalingam : CASSCF convergence, NEVPT2, FIC-MRCI
Bernardo de Souza : ESD, SOC TD-DFT
Georgi Stoychev : AutoAux, RI-MP2 NMR, DLPNO-MP2 response
Willem Van den Heuvel : Paramagnetic NMR
Boris Wezisla : Elementary symmetry handling
Frank Wennmohs : Technical directorship
We gratefully acknowledge several colleagues who have allowed us to
interface, adapt or use parts of their codes:
Stefan Grimme, W. Hujo, H. Kruse, P. Pracht, : VdW corrections, initial TS optimization,
C. Bannwarth, S. Ehlert DFT functionals, gCP, sTDA/sTD-DF
Ed Valeev, F. Pavosevic, A. Kumar : LibInt (2-el integral package), F12 methods
Garnet Chan, S. Sharma, J. Yang, R. Olivares : DMRG
Ulf Ekstrom : XCFun DFT Library
Mihaly Kallay : mrcc (arbitrary order and MRCC methods)
Jiri Pittner, Ondrej Demel : Mk-CCSD
Frank Weinhold : gennbo (NPA and NBO analysis)
Christopher J. Cramer and Donald G. Truhlar : smd solvation model
Lars Goerigk : TD-DFT with DH, B97 family of functionals
V. Asgeirsson, H. Jonsson : NEB implementation
FAccTs GmbH : IRC, NEB, NEB-TS, DLPNO-Multilevel, CI-OPT
MM, QMMM, 2- and 3-layer-ONIOM, Crystal-QMMM,
LR-CPCM, SF, NACMEs, symmetry and pop. for TD-DFT,
nearIR, NL-DFT gradient (VV10), updates on ESD,
ML-optimized integration grids
S Lehtola, MJT Oliveira, MAL Marques : LibXC Library
Liviu Ungur et al : ANISO software
Your calculation uses the libint2 library for the computation of 2-el integrals
For citations please refer to: http://libint.valeyev.net
Your ORCA version has been built with support for libXC version: 5.1.0
For citations please refer to: https://tddft.org/programs/libxc/
This ORCA versions uses:
CBLAS interface : Fast vector & matrix operations
LAPACKE interface : Fast linear algebra routines
SCALAPACK package : Parallel linear algebra routines
Shared memory : Shared parallel matrices
Core in use : SkylakeX
Copyright (c) 2011-2014, The OpenBLAS Project
[file orca_main/maininp4.cpp, line 11068]: