def nwchem(job,method,nproc,geom,charge,mult,scalfreq,restart,conv_thr,iter): # Extracting geometry information symb = [] x = [] y = [] z = [] with open(geom, 'r') as f: nAtom = next(f) next(f) for line in f: arr = line.split() symb.append(arr[0]) x.append(arr[1]) y.append(arr[2]) z.append(arr[3]) with open('','w') as f: if restart == 'true': print("restart cmmde_nw",file=f) else: print("start cmmde_nw",file=f) print("""title "NWChem calculation" geometry units au""",file=f) for i,x,y,z in zip(symb,x,y,z): print("{} {} {} {}".format(i,x,y,z),file=f) print("end",file=f) basis_set = method.split()[1] print("""basis * library {} end""".format(basis_set),file=f) print("""scf thresh {} maxiter {} end""".format(conv_thr,iter),file=f) if job == 'opt': print("task scf optimize",file=f) else: print("task scf",file=f)