from cmmde_mass import mass def qe(geom,job,mode,pseudo,outdir,bravais,unit,ecutwfc,ecutrho,mixing,conv_thr,dftfunc,extpseudo,kpts,optalgo,press,press_conv_thr,nband,occ): # Mapping istilah job pada CMMDE dengan istilah job di Quantum Espresso jobmap = { 'sp':'scf', 'opt':'relax', 'optcell':'vc-relax', 'md':'md', 'band':'bands', 'mdnpt':'vc-md' } x = [] y = [] z = [] symb = [] v1 = [] v2 = [] v3 = [] k_points = kpts.split("x") shift = [] for k in k_points: if int(k)%2 == 0: shift.append(1) else: shift.append(0) if 'POSCAR' in geom or 'CONTCAR' in geom: with open(geom,'r') as f: next(f) next(f) v1.append(next(f).split()) v2.append(next(f).split()) v3.append(next(f).split()) next(f) next(f) next(f) for line in f: arr = line.split() x.append(arr[0]) y.append(arr[1]) z.append(arr[2]) symb.append(arr[3]) if '.xyz' in geom: with open(geom,'r') as f: N_Atom = next(f) for line in f: arr = line.split() symb.append(arr[0]) x.append(arr[1]) y.append(arr[2]) z.append(arr[3]) with open("",'w') as f: # CONTROL card in input file print("""&CONTROL calculation = {}, restart_mode = {}, prefix = 'cmmd', pseudo_dir = {}, outdir = {}, / &SYSTEM ibrav = {}, nat = {}, ntyp = {}, ecutwfc = {}, ecutrho = {}, occupations = {}, / &ELECTRONS mixing_beta = {}, conv_thr = {}, / """.format(jobmap[job],mode,pseudo,outdir,bravais,len(symb),len(set(symb)),ecutwfc,ecutrho,occ,mixing,conv_thr),file=f) if 'opt' in job: print("""&IONS ion_dynamics = {}, /""".format(optalgo),file=f) if 'optcell' in job: print("""&CELL cell_dynamics = {}, press = {}, press_conv_thr = {}, /""".format(optalgo,press,press_conv_thr),file=f) print("ATOMIC_SPECIES",file=f) for i in set(symb): print("{} {} {}.{}.{}".format(i,mass(i),i,dftfunc,extpseudo),file=f) if bravais == 0: print("""CELL_PARAMETERS ({}) {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}""".format(unit,v1[0][0],v1[0][1],v1[0][2] ,v2[0][0],v2[0][1],v2[0][2] ,v3[0][0],v3[0][1],v3[0][2] ),file=f) print("ATOMIC_POSITIONS ({})".format(unit),file=f) for i,x,y,z in zip(symb,x,y,z): print("{} {} {} {}".format(i,x,y,z),file=f) print("K_POINTS automatic",file=f) print("{} {} {} {} {} {}".format(k_points[0],k_points[1],k_points[2],shift[0],shift[1],shift[2]),file=f) if 'charge' in job: with open("",'w') as f: print("""&INPUTPP outdir = {}, prefix = 'cmmd', plot_num = 0, / &PLOT iflag = 3, output_format = 6, fileout = 'cmmd_rho.cube', nx = 64, ny = 64, nz = 64, /""".format(outdir),file=f) if 'nscf' in job: with open('', 'w') as f: print("""&CONTROL calculation = 'nscf', restart_mode = {}, prefix = 'cmmd', pseudo_dir = {}, outdir = {}, / &SYSTEM ibrav = {}, nat = {}, ntyp = {}, ecutwfc = {}, ecutrho = {}, nbnd = {}, occupations = {}, / &ELECTRONS mixing_beta = {}, conv_thr = {}, /""".format(mode,pseudo,outdir,bravais,len(symb),len(set(symb)),ecutwfc,ecutrho,nband,occ,mixing,conv_thr),file=f) print("ATOMIC_SPECIES",file=f) for i in set(symb): print("{} {} {}.{}.{}".format(i,mass(i),i,dftfunc,extpseudo),file=f) if bravais == 0: print("""CELL_PARAMETERS ({}) {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}""".format(unit,v1[0][0],v1[0][1],v1[0][2] ,v2[0][0],v2[0][1],v2[0][2] ,v3[0][0],v3[0][1],v3[0][2] ),file=f) print("ATOMIC_POSITIONS crystal",file=f) for i,x,y,z in zip(symb,x,y,z): print("{} {} {} {}".format(i,x,y,z),file=f) print("K_POINTS automatic",file=f) print("{} {} {} {} {} {}".format(k_points[0],k_points[1],k_points[2],shift[0],shift[1],shift[2]),file=f)