import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import MDAnalysis import MDAnalysis.analysis.rdf import numpy as np from pymatgen.core import lattice import builtins import os def rdf(traject,latt,pair,endrange,resolution): cell = [] with open(latt, 'r') as f: for line in f: if 'TV' in line: cell.append(list(map(float, line.split()[1:4]))) box = lattice.Lattice(cell) (lx, ly, lz), (a, b, c) = box.lengths_and_angles u = MDAnalysis.Universe(traject, format='XYZ') u.dimensions = np.array([lx, ly, lz, a, b, c], dtype=np.float32) builtins.u = u ag1 = None ag2 = None elems = pair.split('-') # Definisi file keluaran outfile = open('rdf_{}-{}.dat'.format(elems[0],elems[1]), 'w') ag1 = u.select_atoms(f'name {elems[0]}') ag2 = u.select_atoms(f'name {elems[1]}') nbins = int((endrange - 0.05)/resolution) rdf = MDAnalysis.analysis.rdf.InterRDF(ag1, ag2, nbins=nbins, range=(0.05, endrange), verbose=True) vol = np.power(rdf.edges[1:], 3) - np.power(rdf.edges[:-1], 3) vol *= 4/3.0 * np.pi box_vol = box.volume pair_den = box_vol / (len(ag1.atoms) * len(ag2.atoms)) integral = rdf.rdf / (pair_den / vol) total = 0.0 step = 0 for r, v, d in zip(rdf.bins, rdf.rdf, integral): step += 1 total += d/len(ag1.atoms) if (step == 1): continue print('{:8.4f} {:8.4f} {:8.4f}'.format(r, v, total), file=outfile) outfile.close() with open('rdf_{}-{}.gp'.format(elems[0],elems[1]),'w') as fout: print("""set terminal pdf set output "rdf_{}-{}.pdf" set key set yrange [0:10] set ytics (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) set xlabel "Distance [Angstroms]" set ylabel "RDF [arb.]" set style line 1 lc rgb '#00008b' lt 1 lw 2 pt 7 set style line 2 lc rgb '#FF0000' lt 1 lw 2 pt 7 plot 'rdf_{}-{}.dat' u 1:2 with line title "RDF" linestyle 1,\ '' u 1:3 with line title "Coordination Number" linestyle 2""".format(elems[0],elems[1],elems[0],elems[1]),file=fout) os.system('gnuplot rdf_{}-{}.gp'.format(elems[0],elems[1]))