def orca(job,method,nproc,geom,charge,mult,scalfreq,temperature,pressure,nroots,tda,solvent,constraints,qmatoms,totalcharge,totalmult,qm2method,qm2basis,activeatoms,hessfile,disp,aim,product,ts,irciter, printlevel, inithess,grid, finalgrid): if 'opt' in job or 'Opt' in job or 'OPT' in job and not 'ts' in job: method += ' opt' if 'freq' in job and ('XTB2' in method or 'XTB' in method): method += ' Numfreq' if 'irc' in job: method += ' IRC' if 'ts' in job: method += ' OptTS' if 'NEB-TS' in job: method += ' NEB-TS' if 'freq' in job and ('XTB2' not in method and 'XTB' not in method and 'XTBFF' not in method): method += ' freq' if disp != 'None': method += ' {}'.format(disp) if aim == 'true' or aim == 'True' or aim == 'TRUE': method += ' AIM' if solvent != 'none' and ('XTB2' in method or 'XTB' in method or 'XTBFF' in method): method += ' ALPB({})'.format(solvent) if solvent != 'none' and ('XTB2' not in method and 'XTB' not in method and 'XTBFF' not in method): method += ' CPCM({})'.format(solvent) with open('','w') as f: print("#CMMDE generated Orca input file", file=f) print("!{}".format(method), file=f) print("""%pal nprocs {} end""".format(nproc),file=f) if qmatoms != 'None': print("""%qmmm QMAtoms {{ {} }} end Charge_Total {} Mult_Total {}""".format(qmatoms,totalcharge,totalmult),file=f) if qm2method != 'None': print(""" QM2CUSTOMMETHOD "{}" QM2CUSTOMBASIS "{}" """.format(qm2method,qm2basis),file=f) if activeatoms != 'None': print("ActiveAtoms {} end".format(activeatoms)) print("end",file=f) if constraints != 'None': print("%geom", file=f) print("Constraints",file=f) for i in constraints.split(','): print("""{{ {} }}""".format(i),file=f) print("end",file=f) print("end",file=f) if hessfile != 'None': print("""%geom MaxIter 10000 InHess Read InHessName "{}" end""".format(hessfile),file=f) # Baris koordinat atom print(""" *xyzfile {} {} {} """.format(charge,mult,geom) , file=f) if 'freq' in job: print("""%freq scalfreq {} Temp {} Pressure {} end""".format(scalfreq,temperature,pressure),file=f) if 'td' in job: print("""%tddft nroots {} tda {} end""".format(nroots,tda),file=f) if 'NEB' in job: print("""%NEB NEB_END_XYZFILE {} NEB_TS_XYZFILE {} END""".format(product,ts),file=f) if 'irc' in job: print("""%irc MaxIter {} PrintLevel {} InitHess {} Hess_filename "{}" end %method Grid {} FinalGrid {} end """.format(irciter, printlevel, inithess, hessfile, grid, finalgrid),file=f) return