# Install the requirements pip install ase pymatgen gmxscript prettytable acpype MDAnalysis # Make the bashrc ## Merging the Python libraries of CMMDE echo "export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/lib:$PYTHONPATH" >> ~/.bashrc ## Merging the CMMDE binaries to your PATH echo "export PATH=`pwd`/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc echo "export ORCA_COMMAND=/home/adit/opt/orca/orca" >> ~/.bashrc # PATH to DCDFTBMD program, please refer the README.md to register the program at Nakai Lab of Waseda University #echo "export DCDFTB_COMMAND=/path/to/DCDFTBMD/bin/binary" >> ~/.bashrc echo "export GROMACS_COMMAND=`pwd`/lib/cmmde_solution.py" >> ~/.bashrc echo "export DMS_COMMAND=`pwd`/lib/cmmde_solution.py" >> ~/.bashrc