import os def proprep(protein): filename = protein.split('.pdb')[0] os.system('$GROMACS_DIR/gmx pdb2gmx -f {} -o {}.gro'.format(protein,filename)) def ligprep(ligand,charge): if '.mol2' in ligand: filename = ligand.split('.mol2')[0] os.system('obabel {} -O temp_{}_h.pdb'.format(ligand,filename)) elif '.xyz' in ligand: filename = ligand.split('.xyz')[0] os.system('obabel {} -O temp_{}_h.pdb'.format(ligand,filename)) elif '.pdb' in ligand: filename = ligand.split('.pdb')[0] os.system('reduce {}.pdb > temp_{}_h.pdb'.format(filename,filename)) delete_entries = ['CONECT'] with open('temp_{}_h.pdb'.format(filename),'r') as oldpdb, open('{}_h.pdb'.format(filename),'w') as newpdb: for line in oldpdb: if not any(del_entry in line for del_entry in delete_entries): newpdb.write(line) os.system('rm temp_{}_h.pdb'.format(filename)) os.system('antechamber -j 5 -at gaff -dr no -i {}_h.pdb -fi pdb -o {}_h.mol2 -fo mol2 -c gas -s 2 -nc {}'.format(filename,filename,charge)) os.system('parmchk2 -i {}_h.mol2 -f mol2 -o {}_h.frcmod'.format(filename,filename)) with open('','w') as f: print("""source oldff/leaprc.ff99SB source leaprc.gaff LIG = loadmol2 {}_h.mol2 loadamberparams {}_h.frcmod check LIG saveoff LIG {}_h.lib saveamberparm LIG {}_h.prmtop {}_h.inpcrd quit""".format(filename,filename,filename,filename,filename),file=f) os.system('tleap -f') os.system('acpype -p {}_h.prmtop -x {}_h.inpcrd'.format(filename,filename))