import numpy as np from import surface from ase.geometry import get_layers from ase.symbols import string2symbols def surfaces_with_termination(lattice, indices, layers, vacuum=None, tol=1e-10, termination=None, return_all=False, verbose=False): """Create surface from a given lattice and Miller indices with a given termination Parameters ========== lattice: Atoms object or str Bulk lattice structure of alloy or pure metal. Note that the unit-cell must be the conventional cell - not the primitive cell. One can also give the chemical symbol as a string, in which case the correct bulk lattice will be generated automatically. indices: sequence of three int Surface normal in Miller indices (h,k,l). layers: int Number of equivalent layers of the slab. (not the same as the layers you choose from for terminations) vacuum: float Amount of vacuum added on both sides of the slab. termination: str the atoms you wish to be in the top layer. There may be many such terminations, this function returns all terminations with the same atomic composition. e.g. 'O' will return oxygen terminated surfaces. e.g.'TiO' will return surfaces terminated with layers containing both O and Ti Returns: return_surfs: List a list of surfaces that match the specifications given """ lats = translate_lattice(lattice, indices) return_surfs = [] check = [] check2 = [] for item in lats: too_similar = False surf = surface(item, indices, layers, vacuum=vacuum, tol=tol) surf.wrap(pbc=[True] * 3) # standardize slabs positions = surf.get_scaled_positions().flatten() for i, value in enumerate(positions): if value >= 1 - tol: # move things closer to zero within tol positions[i] -= 1 surf.set_scaled_positions(np.reshape(positions, (len(surf), 3))) #rep = find_z_layers(surf) z_layers, hs = get_layers(surf, (0, 0, 1)) # just z layers matter # get the indicies of the atoms in the highest layer top_layer = [i for i, val in enumerate(z_layers == max(z_layers)) if val] if termination is not None: comp = [surf.get_chemical_symbols()[a] for a in top_layer] term = string2symbols(termination) # list atoms in top layer and not in requested termination check = [a for a in comp if a not in term] # list of atoms in requested termination and not in top layer check2 = [a for a in term if a not in comp] if len(return_surfs) > 0: pos_diff = [a.get_positions() - surf.get_positions() for a in return_surfs] for i, su in enumerate(pos_diff): similarity_test = su.flatten() < tol * 1000 if similarity_test.all(): # checks if surface is too similar to another surface too_similar = True if too_similar: continue if return_all is True: pass elif check != [] or check2 != []: continue return_surfs.append(surf) return return_surfs def translate_lattice(lattice, indices, tol=10**-3): """translates a bulk unit cell along a normal vector given by the a set of miller indices to the next symetric position. This is used to control the termination of the surface in the smart_surface command Parameters: ========== lattice: Atoms object atoms object of the bulk unit cell indices: 1x3 list,tuple, or numpy array the miller indices you wish to cut along. returns: lattice_list: list of Atoms objects a list of all the different translations of the unit cell that will yield different terminations of a surface cut along the miller indices provided. """ lattice_list = [] cell = lattice.get_cell() pt = [0, 0, 0] h, k, l = indices millers = list(indices) for index, item in enumerate(millers): if item == 0: millers[index] = 10**9 # make zeros large numbers elif pt == [0, 0, 0]: # for numerical stability pt = list(cell[index] / float(item) / np.linalg.norm(cell[index])) h1, k1, l1 = millers N = np.array(cell[0] / h1 + cell[1] / k1 + cell[2] / l1) n = N / np.linalg.norm(N) # making a unit vector normal to cut plane # finding distance from cut plan vector d = [np.round(, (a - pt)) * n, 5) for a in lattice.get_scaled_positions()] duplicates = [] for i, item in enumerate(d): g = [True for a in d[i + 1:] if np.linalg.norm(a - item) < tol] if g != []: duplicates.append(i) duplicates.reverse() for i in duplicates: del d[i] # put distance to the plane at the end of the array for i, item in enumerate(d): d[i] = np.append(item,, (lattice.get_scaled_positions()[i] - pt))) d = np.array(d) d = d[d[:, 3].argsort()] # sort by distance to the plane d = [a[:3] for a in d] # remove distance d = list(d) # make it a list again for i in d: """ The above method gives you the boundries of between terminations that will allow you to build a complete set of terminations. However, it does not return all the boundries. Thus you must check both above and below the boundary, and not stray too far from the boundary. If you move too far away, you risk hitting another boundary you did not find. """ lattice1 = lattice.copy() displacement = (h * cell[0] + k * cell[1] + l * cell[2]) \ * (i + 10 ** -8) lattice1.positions -= displacement lattice_list.append(lattice1) lattice1 = lattice.copy() displacement = (h * cell[0] + k * cell[1] + l * cell[2]) \ * (i - 10 ** -8) lattice1.positions -= displacement lattice_list.append(lattice1) return lattice_list