A series of Python3 script to lower the barrier of computing and simulating molecular and material systems.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

359 lines
9.4 KiB

import os
import atexit
import functools
import pickle
import sys
import time
import warnings
import numpy as np
def get_txt(txt, rank):
if hasattr(txt, 'write'):
# Note: User-supplied object might write to files from many ranks.
return txt
elif rank == 0:
if txt is None:
return open(os.devnull, 'w')
elif txt == '-':
return sys.stdout
return open(txt, 'w', 1)
return open(os.devnull, 'w')
def paropen(name, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, comm=None):
"""MPI-safe version of open function.
In read mode, the file is opened on all nodes. In write and
append mode, the file is opened on the master only, and /dev/null
is opened on all other nodes.
if comm is None:
comm = world
if comm.rank > 0 and mode[0] != 'r':
name = os.devnull
return open(name, mode, buffering, encoding)
def parprint(*args, **kwargs):
"""MPI-safe print - prints only from master. """
if world.rank == 0:
print(*args, **kwargs)
class DummyMPI:
rank = 0
size = 1
def _returnval(self, a, root=-1):
# MPI interface works either on numbers, in which case a number is
# returned, or on arrays, in-place.
if np.isscalar(a):
return a
if hasattr(a, '__array__'):
a = a.__array__()
assert isinstance(a, np.ndarray)
return None
def sum(self, a, root=-1):
return self._returnval(a)
def product(self, a, root=-1):
return self._returnval(a)
def broadcast(self, a, root):
assert root == 0
return self._returnval(a)
def barrier(self):
class MPI:
"""Wrapper for MPI world object.
Decides at runtime (after all imports) which one to use:
* MPI4Py
* a dummy implementation for serial runs
def __init__(self):
self.comm = None
def __getattr__(self, name):
if self.comm is None:
self.comm = _get_comm()
return getattr(self.comm, name)
def _get_comm():
"""Get the correct MPI world object."""
if 'mpi4py' in sys.modules:
return MPI4PY()
if '_gpaw' in sys.modules:
import _gpaw
if hasattr(_gpaw, 'Communicator'):
return _gpaw.Communicator()
if '_asap' in sys.modules:
import _asap
if hasattr(_asap, 'Communicator'):
return _asap.Communicator()
return DummyMPI()
class MPI4PY:
def __init__(self, mpi4py_comm=None):
if mpi4py_comm is None:
from mpi4py import MPI
mpi4py_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
self.comm = mpi4py_comm
def rank(self):
return self.comm.rank
def size(self):
return self.comm.size
def _returnval(self, a, b):
"""Behave correctly when working on scalars/arrays.
Either input is an array and we in-place write b (output from
mpi4py) back into a, or input is a scalar and we return the
corresponding output scalar."""
if np.isscalar(a):
assert np.isscalar(b)
return b
assert not np.isscalar(b)
a[:] = b
return None
def sum(self, a, root=-1):
if root == -1:
b = self.comm.allreduce(a)
b = self.comm.reduce(a, root)
return self._returnval(a, b)
def split(self, split_size=None):
"""Divide the communicator."""
# color - subgroup id
# key - new subgroup rank
if not split_size:
split_size = self.size
color = int(self.rank // (self.size / split_size))
key = int(self.rank % (self.size / split_size))
comm = self.comm.Split(color, key)
return MPI4PY(comm)
def barrier(self):
def abort(self, code):
def broadcast(self, a, root):
b = self.comm.bcast(a, root=root)
if self.rank == root:
if np.isscalar(a):
return a
return self._returnval(a, b)
world = None
# Check for special MPI-enabled Python interpreters:
if '_gpaw' in sys.builtin_module_names:
# http://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/gpaw
import _gpaw
world = _gpaw.Communicator()
elif '_asap' in sys.builtin_module_names:
# Modern version of Asap
# http://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/asap
# We cannot import asap3.mpi here, as that creates an import deadlock
import _asap
world = _asap.Communicator()
# Check if MPI implementation has been imported already:
elif '_gpaw' in sys.modules:
# Same thing as above but for the module version
import _gpaw
world = _gpaw.Communicator()
except AttributeError:
elif '_asap' in sys.modules:
import _asap
world = _asap.Communicator()
except AttributeError:
elif 'mpi4py' in sys.modules:
world = MPI4PY()
if world is None:
world = MPI()
def barrier():
def broadcast(obj, root=0, comm=world):
"""Broadcast a Python object across an MPI communicator and return it."""
if comm.rank == root:
string = pickle.dumps(obj, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
n = np.array([len(string)], int)
string = None
n = np.empty(1, int)
comm.broadcast(n, root)
if comm.rank == root:
string = np.frombuffer(string, np.int8)
string = np.zeros(n, np.int8)
comm.broadcast(string, root)
if comm.rank == root:
return obj
return pickle.loads(string.tobytes())
def parallel_function(func):
"""Decorator for broadcasting from master to slaves using MPI.
Disable by passing parallel=False to the function. For a method,
you can also disable the parallel behavior by giving the instance
a self.serial = True.
def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
if (world.size == 1 or
args and getattr(args[0], 'serial', False) or
not kwargs.pop('parallel', True)):
# Disable:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
ex = None
result = None
if world.rank == 0:
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as x:
ex = x
ex, result = broadcast((ex, result))
if ex is not None:
raise ex
return result
return new_func
def parallel_generator(generator):
"""Decorator for broadcasting yields from master to slaves using MPI.
Disable by passing parallel=False to the function. For a method,
you can also disable the parallel behavior by giving the instance
a self.serial = True.
def new_generator(*args, **kwargs):
if (world.size == 1 or
args and getattr(args[0], 'serial', False) or
not kwargs.pop('parallel', True)):
# Disable:
for result in generator(*args, **kwargs):
yield result
if world.rank == 0:
for result in generator(*args, **kwargs):
broadcast((None, result))
yield result
except Exception as ex:
broadcast((ex, None))
raise ex
broadcast((None, None))
ex2, result = broadcast((None, None))
if ex2 is not None:
raise ex2
while result is not None:
yield result
ex2, result = broadcast((None, None))
if ex2 is not None:
raise ex2
return new_generator
def register_parallel_cleanup_function():
"""Call MPI_Abort if python crashes.
This will terminate the processes on the other nodes."""
if world.size == 1:
def cleanup(sys=sys, time=time, world=world):
error = getattr(sys, 'last_type', None)
if error:
sys.stderr.write(('ASE CLEANUP (node %d): %s occurred. ' +
'Calling MPI_Abort!\n') % (world.rank, error))
# Give other nodes a moment to crash by themselves (perhaps
# producing helpful error messages):
def distribute_cpus(size, comm):
"""Distribute cpus to tasks and calculators.
size: number of nodes per calculator
comm: total communicator object
communicator for this rank, number of calculators, index for this rank
assert size <= comm.size
assert comm.size % size == 0
tasks_rank = comm.rank // size
r0 = tasks_rank * size
ranks = np.arange(r0, r0 + size)
mycomm = comm.new_communicator(ranks)
return mycomm, comm.size // size, tasks_rank
class ParallelModuleWrapper:
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name == 'rank' or name == 'size':
warnings.warn('ase.parallel.{name} has been deprecated. '
'Please use ase.parallel.world.{name} instead.'
return getattr(world, name)
return getattr(_parallel, name)
_parallel = sys.modules['ase.parallel']
sys.modules['ase.parallel'] = ParallelModuleWrapper() # type: ignore