A series of Python3 script to lower the barrier of computing and simulating molecular and material systems.
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2 15
1.80826004 -0.11550006 -0.12544002 3.87220003 -0.11550006 -0.12544002
1.12026745 0.54514820 -1.95577206 1.12026745 1.13931589 1.36186893
1.12026745 -2.03092647 0.21760196
1.80823704 -0.11549999 -0.12548122 3.88617549 -0.11547122 -0.12540627
1.11560506 0.54961930 -1.96816875 1.11565113 1.14779680 1.37193952
1.11559369 -2.04390740 0.21993552
# redundant internal coordinates
# nbonds nangles ndihedrals nimpropers ncartesians
# bond definitions A B
# angle definitions A B C
# dihedral definitions A B C D
# improper torsion definitions A B C D
# cartesian definitions A x/y/z
4 6 0 0 0
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 0 0
4 0 0
1 0 3 0 0
2 0 3 0 0
1 0 4 0 0
2 0 4 0 0
3 0 4 0 0
1 0 2 0 0
2 15
0.0000281120249107 -0.0000037064411669 0.0000525165778874 -0.0049990129430250
-0.0000045316433501 0.0000098634302251 0.0016701552391622 -0.0015882790949084
0.0044334055573350 0.0016586340354712 -0.0030330170283499 -0.0035893738581539
0.0016688694657209 0.0046447102314975 -0.0008246575087751
0.0000109936929351 0.0000063540709450 0.0000318229732579 -0.0000294208486349
-0.0000021914169169 0.0000138398073834 0.0000203548871545 -0.0000037180473361
0.0000440886074016 0.0000094316758080 -0.0000186102122881 -0.0000130949132512
0.0000130715741403 0.0000344084933163 0.0000033464078443
2 10
2.0639399862074517 2.0639538051479716 2.0639730605185891 2.0639452371510258
1.9106340448094910 1.9106237183363008 1.9106388109628560 1.9106351045974839
1.9106303954694328 1.9106373432471970
2.0779384518561348 2.0778883651837607 2.0779467901700923 2.0779371257260508
1.9105645779003646 1.9106531722343145 1.9106392975229700 1.9106648467042662
1.9106137724204406 1.9106637475244237
2 10
-0.0050043645066456 -0.0049813849297886 -0.0049952006081833 -0.0050019622241142
0.0000201718064817 -0.0000085529895258 -0.0000001414303179 -0.0000086367530628
0.0000048268874594 -0.0000076675152472
-0.0000343072826948 -0.0000322949407078 -0.0000357710991749 -0.0000337494803822
0.0000116868532667 -0.0000047060577191 -0.0000004911749077 -0.0000044784875371
0.0000028621663169 -0.0000048722788676
15 15
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0.839489 0.000005 0.000001 -0.357113 0.000000 0.000001
1 0.000005 0.839479 -0.000008 0.000060 -0.136205 0.000001
2 0.000001 -0.000008 0.839466 0.000280 0.000001 -0.136202
3 -0.357113 0.000060 0.000280 0.356650 -0.000050 -0.000126
4 0.000000 -0.136205 0.000001 -0.000050 0.102153 -0.000001
5 0.000001 0.000001 -0.136202 -0.000126 -0.000001 0.102152
6 -0.160793 0.023559 -0.065423 0.000164 0.021816 -0.060351
7 0.023611 -0.158825 0.062823 -0.000161 0.002601 -0.007289
8 -0.065420 0.062681 -0.310252 0.000457 -0.007205 0.020195
9 -0.160787 0.044765 0.052991 0.000084 0.041419 0.049116
10 0.044847 -0.217845 -0.096648 -0.000331 0.009409 0.011112
11 0.053157 -0.096774 -0.250752 -0.000490 0.011152 0.013170
12 -0.160796 -0.068388 0.012151 0.000173 -0.063185 0.011361
13 -0.068464 -0.326605 0.033831 0.000502 0.022042 -0.003822
14 0.012261 0.034100 -0.142260 -0.000152 -0.003947 0.000685
6 7 8 9 10 11
0 -0.160793 0.023611 -0.065420 -0.160787 0.044847 0.053157
1 0.023559 -0.158825 0.062681 0.044765 -0.217845 -0.096774
2 -0.065423 0.062823 -0.310252 0.052991 -0.096648 -0.250752
3 0.000164 -0.000161 0.000457 0.000084 -0.000331 -0.000490
4 0.021816 0.002601 -0.007205 0.041419 0.009409 0.011152
5 -0.060351 -0.007289 0.020195 0.049116 0.011112 0.013170
6 0.130445 -0.027167 0.075264 0.015113 -0.017703 0.022163
7 -0.027167 0.128238 -0.072271 -0.024314 0.028526 -0.035545
8 0.075264 -0.072271 0.302367 -0.014531 0.017288 -0.020652
9 0.015113 -0.024314 -0.014531 0.130495 -0.051638 -0.061174
10 -0.017703 0.028526 0.017288 -0.051638 0.196223 0.111445
11 0.022163 -0.035545 -0.020652 -0.061174 0.111445 0.234173
12 0.015084 0.028017 0.004267 0.015111 0.024801 -0.013686
13 -0.000511 -0.000534 -0.000510 -0.010238 -0.016301 0.009736
14 0.028356 0.052273 0.008369 -0.026390 -0.043216 0.024039
12 13 14
0 -0.160796 -0.068464 0.012261
1 -0.068388 -0.326605 0.034100
2 0.012151 0.033831 -0.142260
3 0.000173 0.000502 -0.000152
4 -0.063185 0.022042 -0.003947
5 0.011361 -0.003822 0.000685
6 0.015084 -0.000511 0.028356
7 0.028017 -0.000534 0.052273
8 0.004267 -0.000510 0.008369
9 0.015111 -0.010238 -0.026390
10 0.024801 -0.016301 -0.043216
11 -0.013686 0.009736 0.024039
12 0.130441 0.078750 -0.014083
13 0.078750 0.321380 -0.039205
14 -0.014083 -0.039205 0.109162
10 15
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 -1.000000 -0.000014 -0.000036 1.000000 0.000014 0.000036
1 0.333335 -0.320094 0.886808 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2 0.333303 -0.607954 -0.720625 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
3 0.333332 0.928039 -0.166231 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
4 0.453709 0.413743 0.490435 0.000018 -0.310318 -0.367832
5 -0.453718 0.631637 -0.113097 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
6 0.453727 -0.631604 0.113159 -0.000003 0.473706 -0.084857
7 -0.453744 -0.413783 -0.490432 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
8 -0.453692 -0.217839 0.603568 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
9 0.453748 0.217869 -0.603547 -0.000014 -0.163392 0.452660
6 7 8 9 10 11
0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 -0.333335 0.320094 -0.886808 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.333303 0.607954 0.720625
3 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
4 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -0.453727 -0.103425 -0.122603
5 0.226857 -0.364801 -0.216946 0.226861 -0.266836 0.330043
6 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
7 0.226874 0.419254 0.066052 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
8 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.226850 0.370268 -0.207453
9 -0.453734 -0.054476 0.150887 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
12 13 14
0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
3 -0.333332 -0.928039 0.166231
4 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
5 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
6 -0.453724 0.157898 -0.028302
7 0.226870 -0.005472 0.424380
8 0.226841 -0.152429 -0.396114
9 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000