A series of Python3 script to lower the barrier of computing and simulating molecular and material systems.
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Coordinates from ORCA-job cmmd E -15.878848475480
C 1.382680 -0.221770 0.005570
C 0.506340 -1.307050 -0.008130
C -0.871400 -1.090590 -0.014570
C -1.373230 0.210910 -0.004460
C -0.496830 1.295960 0.010580
C 0.880990 1.079530 0.014120
H 2.456200 -0.390440 0.009600
H 0.897240 -2.320890 -0.014140
H -1.554150 -1.935930 -0.027090
H -2.446570 0.379420 -0.008330
H -0.887690 2.310030 0.019130
H 1.563770 1.924860 0.023730
Coordinates from ORCA-job cmmd E -15.879635904820
C 1.373483 -0.220370 0.005486
C 0.503034 -1.298271 -0.008552
C -0.865566 -1.083277 -0.013955
C -1.363971 0.209460 -0.004455
C -0.493502 1.287234 0.009972
C 0.875165 1.072283 0.014515
H 2.440669 -0.388048 0.009436
H 0.891632 -2.306209 -0.015155
H -1.544313 -1.923643 -0.025717
H -2.431149 0.376991 -0.008298
H -0.882040 2.295219 0.017842
H 1.553908 1.912671 0.024891
Coordinates from ORCA-job cmmd E -15.879640611400
C 1.372627 -0.220257 0.005473
C 0.502734 -1.297441 -0.008692
C -0.865051 -1.082610 -0.013787
C -1.363089 0.209312 -0.004461
C -0.493192 1.286428 0.009814
C 0.874638 1.071627 0.014658
H 2.439905 -0.387931 0.009379
H 0.891345 -2.305478 -0.015658
H -1.543848 -1.923054 -0.025162
H -2.430378 0.376863 -0.008322
H -0.881754 2.294490 0.017304
H 1.553413 1.912091 0.025463
Coordinates from ORCA-job cmmd E -15.879640652450
C 1.372604 -0.220263 0.005470
C 0.502729 -1.297417 -0.008729
C -0.865058 -1.082608 -0.013747
C -1.363056 0.209299 -0.004464
C -0.493181 1.286414 0.009778
C 0.874634 1.071623 0.014697
H 2.439965 -0.387928 0.009359
H 0.891353 -2.305537 -0.015842
H -1.543894 -1.923121 -0.024963
H -2.430428 0.376871 -0.008335
H -0.881765 2.294553 0.017113
H 1.553446 1.912154 0.025671