A series of Python3 script to lower the barrier of computing and simulating molecular and material systems.
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9 lines
509 B

Coordinates from ORCA-job cmmd
C -3.21554657067906 1.06089584312436 -0.07620836902381
Cl -5.14812332362926 1.31003161009324 -0.09658677159427
O -0.64711612290617 1.47652733834409 0.09029064155908
H -2.64922116136012 2.00150461054953 -0.00936832021902
H -3.00032674240181 0.40896252546323 0.77222804433459
H -3.00003724613013 0.56007333606217 -1.02575686499449
H -0.66679883289341 1.32936473636337 -0.87402836006209