A series of Python3 script to lower the barrier of computing and simulating molecular and material systems.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

20 lines
886 B

C 2.43115 -0.69695 -0.00950
C 2.43152 0.69496 -0.00362
C 1.22297 1.39293 0.00645
C -0.00218 0.70706 0.00449
C -1.22664 1.39434 -0.00137
C -2.43624 0.69781 -0.01017
C -2.43735 -0.69411 -0.00537
C -1.22903 -1.39264 0.00382
C -0.00315 -0.70730 0.00424
C 1.22192 -1.39417 -0.00139
H 3.37165 -1.24127 -0.02140
H 3.37230 1.23912 -0.00903
H 1.24338 2.48038 0.01226
H -1.24611 2.48186 -0.00422
H -3.37634 1.24307 -0.02202
H -3.37853 -1.23737 -0.01125
H -1.25014 -2.48017 0.00720
H 1.24186 -2.48172 -0.00360