A series of Python3 script to lower the barrier of computing and simulating molecular and material systems.
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----------------------- !PROPERTIES! ------------------------
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description: The Thermochemistry energies
geom. index: 0
prop. index: 1
Temperature (Kelvin) : 298.1500000000
Pressure (atm) : 1.0000000000
Total Mass (AMU) : 16.0430000000
Spin Degeneracy : 1.0000000000
Electronic Energy (Hartree) : -4.1744532782
Translational Energy (Hartree) : 0.0014162714
Rotational Energy (Hartree) : 0.0014162714
Vibrational Energy (Hartree) : 0.0000286783
Number of frequencies : 15
Scaling Factor for frequencies : 1.0000000000
Vibrational frequencies :
0 0.000000
1 0.000000
2 0.000000
3 0.000000
4 0.000000
5 0.000000
6 1411.894158
7 1411.942387
8 1411.989208
9 1567.724975
10 1567.756664
11 2918.147432
12 2930.722274
13 2930.813685
14 2930.996046
Zero Point Energy (Hartree) : 0.0434719647
Inner Energy (Hartree) : -4.1281200924
Enthalpy (Hartree) : -4.1271758833
Electronic entropy : 0.0000000000
Rotational entropy : 0.0048333747
Vibrational entropy : 0.0000327813
Translational entropy : 0.0048333747
Entropy : 0.0211457665
Gibbs Energy (Hartree) : -4.1483216498
Is Linear : false
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----------------------- !GEOMETRIES! ------------------------
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