A series of Python3 script to lower the barrier of computing and simulating molecular and material systems.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

10 lines
423 B

Diisi judulpun tidak masalah
C -1.09158 0.31253 0.00000
C 0.40641 0.34539 0.00000
O 0.99388 1.41528 -0.00000
O 1.11593 -0.80223 0.00000
H -1.50826 1.34248 0.00000
H -1.45092 -0.22036 0.90489
H -1.45092 -0.22036 -0.90489
H 0.67957 -1.66578 0.00000