A series of Python3 script to lower the barrier of computing and simulating molecular and material systems.
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10 lines
570 B

Coordinates from ORCA-job cmmd
C 1.02213296500380 0.07014278486889 0.06775864316728
O 0.41740659500897 0.96531346363949 -0.47607454476640
N 0.39794806564491 -0.96719298830631 0.69796525772907
N 2.38537685928664 0.01345569832444 0.10218933465454
H -0.60499988853539 -0.97576755115131 0.70317273102663
H 0.89343604909488 -1.71171032486388 1.15026658107869
H 2.89553975989850 0.75149727178454 -0.34617842039542
H 2.89205959459769 -0.72552835429588 0.55115041750561