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3 years ago
# Rotating tables
The process of rotating tables into landscape mode is slightly different in
\aastex v6.31. Instead of the `\rotate` command, a new environment
has been created to handle this task. To place a single page table in a
landscape mode start the table portion with
`\begin{rotatetable}` and end with
Tables that exceed a print page take a slightly different environment since
both rotation and long table printing are required. In these cases start
with `\begin{longrotatetable}` and end with
`\end{longrotatetable}`. Table \ref{chartable} is an
example of a multi-page, rotated table. The `\movetabledown`
command can be used to help center extremely wide, landscape tables. The
command `\movetabledown=1in` will move any rotated table down 1
\tablecaption{Observable Characteristics of
Galactic/Magellanic Cloud novae with X-ray observations\label{chartable}}
\colhead{Name} & \colhead{V$_{max}$} &
\colhead{Date} & \colhead{t$_2$} &
\colhead{FWHM} & \colhead{E(B-V)} &
\colhead{N$_H$} & \colhead{Period} &
\colhead{D} & \colhead{Dust?} & \colhead{RN?} \\
\colhead{} & \colhead{(mag)} & \colhead{(JD)} & \colhead{(d)} &
\colhead{(km s$^{-1}$)} & \colhead{(mag)} & \colhead{(cm$^{-2}$)} &
\colhead{(d)} & \colhead{(kpc)} & \colhead{} & \colhead{}
CI Aql & 8.83 (1) & 2451665.5 (1) & 32 (2) & 2300 (3) & 0.8$\pm0.2$ (4) & 1.2e+22 & 0.62 (4) & 6.25$\pm5$ (4) & N & Y \\
{\bf CSS081007} & \nodata & 2454596.5 & \nodata & \nodata & 0.146 & 1.1e+21 & 1.77 (5) & 4.45$\pm1.95$ (6) & \nodata & \nodata \\
GQ Mus & 7.2 (7) & 2445352.5 (7) & 18 (7) & 1000 (8) & 0.45 (9) & 3.8e+21 & 0.059375 (10) & 4.8$\pm1$ (9) & N (7) & \nodata \\
IM Nor & 7.84 (11) & 2452289 (2) & 50 (2) & 1150 (12) & 0.8$\pm0.2$ (4) & 8e+21 & 0.102 (13) & 4.25$\pm3.4$ (4) & N & Y \\
{\bf KT Eri} & 5.42 (14) & 2455150.17 (14) & 6.6 (14) & 3000 (15) & 0.08 (15) & 5.5e+20 & \nodata & 6.5 (15) & N & M \\
{\bf LMC 1995} & 10.7 (16) & 2449778.5 (16) & 15$\pm2$ (17) & \nodata & 0.15 (203) & 7.8e+20 & \nodata & 50 & \nodata & \nodata \\
LMC 2000 & 11.45 (18) & 2451737.5 (18) & 9$\pm2$ (19) & 1700 (20) & 0.15 (203) & 7.8e+20 & \nodata & 50 & \nodata & \nodata \\
{\bf LMC 2005} & 11.5 (21) & 2453700.5 (21) & 63 (22) & 900 (23) & 0.15 (203) & 1e+21 & \nodata & 50 & M (24) & \nodata \\
{\bf LMC 2009a} & 10.6 (25) & 2454867.5 (25) & 4$\pm1$ & 3900 (25) & 0.15 (203) & 5.7e+20 & 1.19 (26) & 50 & N & Y \\
{\bf SMC 2005} & 10.4 (27) & 2453588.5 (27) & \nodata & 3200 (28) & \nodata & 5e+20 & \nodata & 61 & \nodata & \nodata \\
{\bf QY Mus} & 8.1 (29) & 2454739.90 (29) & 60: & \nodata & 0.71 (30) & 4.2e+21 & \nodata & \nodata & M & \nodata \\
{\bf RS Oph} & 4.5 (31) & 2453779.44 (14) & 7.9 (14) & 3930 (31) & 0.73 (32) & 2.25e+21 & 456 (33) & 1.6$\pm0.3$ (33) & N (34) & Y \\
{\bf U Sco} & 8.05 (35) & 2455224.94 (35) & 1.2 (36) & 7600 (37) & 0.2$\pm0.1$ (4) & 1.2e+21 & 1.23056 (36) & 12$\pm2$ (4) & N & Y \\
{\bf V1047 Cen} & 8.5 (38) & 2453614.5 (39) & 6 (40) & 840 (38) & \nodata & 1.4e+22 & \nodata & \nodata & \nodata & \nodata \\
{\bf V1065 Cen} & 8.2 (41) & 2454123.5 (41) & 11 (42) & 2700 (43) & 0.5$\pm0.1$ (42) & 3.75e+21 & \nodata & 9.05$\pm2.8$ (42) & Y (42) & \nodata \\
V1187 Sco & 7.4 (44) & 2453220.5 (44) & 7: (45) & 3000 (44) & 1.56 (44) & 8.0e+21 & \nodata & 4.9$\pm0.5$ (44) & N & \nodata \\
{\bf V1188 Sco} & 8.7 (46) & 2453577.5 (46) & 7 (40) & 1730 (47) & \nodata & 5.0e+21 & \nodata & 7.5 (39) & \nodata & \nodata \\
{\bf V1213 Cen} & 8.53 (48) & 2454959.5 (48) & 11$\pm2$ (49) & 2300 (50) & 2.07 (30) & 1.0e+22 & \nodata & \nodata & \nodata & \nodata \\
{\bf V1280 Sco} & 3.79 (51) & 2454147.65 (14) & 21 (52) & 640 (53) & 0.36 (54) & 1.6e+21 & \nodata & 1.6$\pm0.4$ (54) & Y (54) & \nodata \\
{\bf V1281 Sco} & 8.8 (55) & 2454152.21 (55) & 15:& 1800 (56) & 0.7 (57) & 3.2e+21 & \nodata & \nodata & N & \nodata \\
{\bf V1309 Sco} & 7.1 (58) & 2454714.5 (58) & 23$\pm2$ (59) & 670 (60) & 1.2 (30) & 4.0e+21 & \nodata & \nodata & \nodata & \nodata \\
{\bf V1494 Aql} & 3.8 (61) & 2451515.5 (61) & 6.6$\pm0.5$ (61) & 1200 (62) & 0.6 (63) & 3.6e+21 & 0.13467 (64) & 1.6$\pm0.1$ (63) & N & \nodata \\
{\bf V1663 Aql} & 10.5 (65) & 2453531.5 (65) & 17 (66) & 1900 (67) & 2: (68) & 1.6e+22 & \nodata & 8.9$\pm3.6$ (69) & N & \nodata \\
V1974 Cyg & 4.3 (70) & 2448654.5 (70) & 17 (71) & 2000 (19) & 0.36$\pm0.04$ (71) & 2.7e+21 & 0.081263 (70) & 1.8$\pm0.1$ (72) & N & \nodata \\
{\bf V2361 Cyg} & 9.3 (73) & 2453412.5 (73) & 6 (40) & 3200 (74) & 1.2: (75) & 7.0e+21 & \nodata & \nodata & Y (40) & \nodata \\
{\bf V2362 Cyg} & 7.8 (76) & 2453831.5 (76) & 9 (77) & 1850 (78) & 0.575$\pm0.015$ (79) & 4.4e+21 & 0.06577 (80) & 7.75$\pm3$ (77) & Y (81) & \nodata \\
{\bf V2467 Cyg} & 6.7 (82) & 2454176.27 (82) & 7 (83) & 950 (82) & 1.5 (84) & 1.4e+22 & 0.159 (85) & 3.1$\pm0.5$ (86) & M (87) & \nodata \\
{\bf V2468 Cyg} & 7.4 (88) & 2454534.2 (88) & 10: & 1000 (88) & 0.77 (89) & 1.0e+22 & 0.242 (90) & \nodata & N & \nodata \\
{\bf V2491 Cyg} & 7.54 (91) & 2454567.86 (91) & 4.6 (92) & 4860 (93) & 0.43 (94) & 4.7e+21 & 0.09580: (95) & 10.5 (96) & N & M \\
V2487 Oph & 9.5 (97) & 2450979.5 (97) & 6.3 (98) & 10000 (98) & 0.38$\pm0.08$ (98) & 2.0e+21 & \nodata & 27.5$\pm3$ (99) & N (100) & Y (101) \\
{\bf V2540 Oph} & 8.5 (102) & 2452295.5 (102) & \nodata & \nodata & \nodata & 2.3e+21 & 0.284781 (103) & 5.2$\pm0.8$ (103) & N & \nodata \\
V2575 Oph & 11.1 (104) & 2453778.8 (104) & 20: & 560 (104) & 1.4 (105) & 3.3e+21 & \nodata & \nodata & N (105) & \nodata \\
{\bf V2576 Oph} & 9.2 (106) & 2453832.5 (106) & 8: & 1470 (106) & 0.25 (107) & 2.6e+21 & \nodata & \nodata & N & \nodata \\
{\bf V2615 Oph} & 8.52 (108) & 2454187.5 (108) & 26.5 (108) & 800 (109) & 0.9 (108) & 3.1e+21 & \nodata & 3.7$\pm0.2$ (108) & Y (110) & \nodata \\
{\bf V2670 Oph} & 9.9 (111) & 2454613.11 (111) & 15: & 600 (112) & 1.3: (113) & 2.9e+21 & \nodata & \nodata & N (114) & \nodata \\
{\bf V2671 Oph} & 11.1 (115) & 2454617.5 (115) & 8: & 1210 (116) & 2.0 (117) & 3.3e+21 & \nodata & \nodata & M (117) & \nodata \\
{\bf V2672 Oph} & 10.0 (118) & 2455060.02 (118) & 2.3 (119) & 8000 (118) & 1.6$\pm0.1$ (119) & 4.0e+21 & \nodata & 19$\pm2$ (119) & \nodata & M \\
V351 Pup & 6.5 (120) & 2448617.5 (120) & 16 (121) & \nodata & 0.72$\pm0.1$ (122) & 6.2e+21 & 0.1182 (123) & 2.7$\pm0.7$ (122) & N & \nodata \\
{\bf V382 Nor} & 8.9 (124) & 2453447.5 (124) & 12 (40) & 1850 (23) & \nodata & 1.7e+22 & \nodata & \nodata & \nodata & \nodata \\
V382 Vel & 2.85 (125) & 2451320.5 (125) & 4.5 (126) & 2400 (126) & 0.05: (126) & 3.4e+21 & 0.146126 (127) & 1.68$\pm0.3$ (126) & N & \nodata \\
{\bf V407 Cyg} & 6.8 (128) & 2455266.314 (128) & 5.9 (129) & 2760 (129) & 0.5$\pm0.05$ (130) & 8.8e+21 & 15595 (131) & 2.7 (131) & \nodata & Y \\
{\bf V458 Vul} & 8.24 (132) & 2454322.39 (132) & 7 (133) & 1750 (134) & 0.6 (135) & 3.6e+21 & 0.06812255 (136) & 8.5$\pm1.8$ (133) & N (135) & \nodata \\
{\bf V459 Vul} & 7.57 (137) & 2454461.5 (137) & 18 (138) & 910 (139) & 1.0 (140) & 5.5e+21 & \nodata & 3.65$\pm1.35$ (138) & Y (140) & \nodata \\
V4633 Sgr & 7.8 (141) & 2450895.5 (141) & 19$\pm3$ (142) & 1700 (143) & 0.21 (142) & 1.4e+21 & 0.125576 (144) & 8.9$\pm2.5$ (142) & N & \nodata \\
{\bf V4643 Sgr} & 8.07 (145) & 2451965.867 (145) & 4.8 (146) & 4700 (147) & 1.67 (148) & 1.4e+22 & \nodata & 3 (148) & N & \nodata \\
{\bf V4743 Sgr} & 5.0 (149) & 2452537.5 (149) & 9 (150) & 2400 (149) & 0.25 (151) & 1.2e+21 & 0.281 (152) & 3.9$\pm0.3$ (151) & N & \nodata \\
{\bf V4745 Sgr} & 7.41 (153) & 2452747.5 (153) & 8.6 (154) & 1600 (155) & 0.1 (154) & 9.0e+20 & 0.20782 (156) & 14$\pm5$ (154) & \nodata & \nodata \\
{\bf V476 Sct} & 10.3 (157) & 2453643.5 (157) & 15 (158) & \nodata & 1.9 (158) & 1.2e+22 & \nodata & 4$\pm1$ (158) & M (159) & \nodata \\
{\bf V477 Sct} & 9.8 (160) & 2453655.5 (160) & 3 (160) & 2900 (161) & 1.2: (162) & 4e+21 & \nodata & \nodata & M (163) & \nodata \\
{\bf V5114 Sgr} & 8.38 (164) & 2453081.5 (164) & 11 (165) & 2000 (23) & \nodata & 1.5e+21 & \nodata & 7.7$\pm0.7$ (165) & N (166) & \nodata \\
{\bf V5115 Sgr} & 7.7 (167) & 2453459.5 (167) & 7 (40) & 1300 (168) & 0.53 (169) & 2.3e+21 & \nodata & \nodata & N (169) & \nodata \\
{\bf V5116 Sgr} & 8.15 (170) & 2453556.91 (170) & 6.5 (171) & 970 (172) & 0.25 (173) & 1.5e+21 & 0.1238 (171) & 11$\pm3$ (173) & N (174) & \nodata \\
{\bf V5558 Sgr} & 6.53 (175) & 2454291.5 (175) & 125 (176) & 1000 (177) & 0.80 (178) & 1.6e+22 & \nodata & 1.3$\pm0.3$ (176) & N (179) & \nodata \\
{\bf V5579 Sgr} & 5.56 (180) & 2454579.62 (180) & 7: & 1500 (23) & 1.2 (181) & 3.3e+21 & \nodata & \nodata & Y (181) & \nodata \\
{\bf V5583 Sgr} & 7.43 (182) & 2455051.07 (182) & 5: & 2300 (182) & 0.39 (30) & 2.0e+21 & \nodata & 10.5 & \nodata & \nodata \\
{\bf V574 Pup} & 6.93 (183) & 2453332.22 (183) & 13 (184) & 2800 (184) & 0.5$\pm0.1$ & 6.2e+21 & \nodata & 6.5$\pm1$ & M (185) & \nodata \\
{\bf V597 Pup} & 7.0 (186) & 2454418.75 (186) & 3: & 1800 (187) & 0.3 (188) & 5.0e+21 & 0.11119 (189) & \nodata & N (188) & \nodata \\
{\bf V598 Pup} & 3.46 (14) & 2454257.79 (14) & 9$\pm1$ (190) & \nodata & 0.16 (190) & 1.4e+21 & \nodata & 2.95$\pm0.8$ (190) & \nodata & \nodata \\
{\bf V679 Car} & 7.55 (191) & 2454797.77 (191) & 20: & \nodata & \nodata & 1.3e+22 & \nodata & \nodata & \nodata & \nodata \\
{\bf V723 Cas} & 7.1 (192) & 2450069.0 (192) & 263 (2) & 600 (193) & 0.5 (194) & 2.35e+21 & 0.69 (195) & 3.86$\pm0.23$ (196) & N & \nodata \\
V838 Her & 5 (197) & 2448340.5 (197) & 2 (198) & \nodata & 0.5$\pm0.1$ (198) & 2.6e+21 & 0.2975 (199) & 3$\pm1$ (198) & Y (200) & \nodata \\
{\bf XMMSL1 J06} & 12 (201) & 2453643.5 (202) & 8$\pm2$ (202) & \nodata & 0.15 (203) & 8.7e+20 & \nodata & 50 & \nodata & \nodata \\
A handy "cheat sheet" that provides the necessary \latex to produce 17
different types of tables is available at \url{}.