shorttitle: "pubsEngine" shortauthor: "Author One, et al." title: "pubsEngine: Manuscript Engine" author: - number: 1 id: "1,*" orcid: "0000-0002-0786-7307" name: "Author One" correspond: true affiliation: "My City University" address: "Orenomachi, Orenoshi, Orenoken, Japan" email: "" url: "" - number: 2 id: 2 name: "Author Two" affiliation: "My Other City University" address: "Hokanomachi, Orenoshi, Orenoken, Japan" email: "" affiliation: - id: 1 description: "My Other City University" address: "Hokanomachi, Orenoshi, Orenoken, Japan" email: "" - id: 2 description: "My City University" address: "Orenomachi, Orenoshi, Orenoken, Japan" email: "" url: "" - id: "*" description: "" - id: + description: "these authors contributed equally to this work" book: publisher: "Great Publisher" firstprinted: "May 2022" thesis: degree: "Doctor of Philosophy" univ: name: "My City University" url: "" department: name: "My Great Department" url: "" group: name: "My Research Group" url: "" faculty: name: "My Faculty Name" url: "" supervisor: name: "My Best Supervisor" url: "" quotation: "include/quotation" dedicatory: "include/dedicatory" collaborator: theme: "AAS Journal Data Editors" person: - number: 1 orcid: "0000-0002-0786-7307" name: "Author One" correspond: true affiliation: "My City University" address: "Orenomachi, Orenoshi, Orenoken, Japan" email: "" - number: 2 name: "Author Two" affiliation: "My Other City University" address: "Hokanomachi, Orenoshi, Orenoken, Japan" email: "" email: "" titleshort: "Paperlighter Example" authorshort: "Author One" #% Reintroduced the \received and \accepted commands from AASTeX v5.2 #\received{March 1, 2021} #\revised{April 1, 2021} #\accepted{\today} #\submitjournal{PSJ} #% \watermark{text} #% \setwatermarkfontsize{dimension} #\correspondingauthor{August Muench} #\email{,} #end of docs #\allauthors #\listofchanges processDate: received: "March 11, 2022" accepted: "April 11, 2022" bibzotero: pubsEngine tocTitle: "Daftar Isi" appendixTitle: "Lampiran" chapterTitle: "Bab" reference-section-title: "Daftar Pustaka" link-directory: - Figure - Output graphicspath: - Figure - examples/documentation/images - images software: "astropy \\citep{2013A&A...558A..33A,2018AJ....156..123A}, Cloudy \\citep{2013RMxAA..49..137F}, Source Extractor \\citep{1996A&AS..117..393B}" facilities: "HST(STIS), Swift(XRT and UVOT), AAVSO, CTIO:1.3m, CTIO:1.5m, CXO" header-includes: | \usepackage{hologo} \usepackage{xspace} \usepackage{chemfig} \usepackage{amsmath} \newcommand\mC[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{#1}} \newcommand{\vdag}{(v)^\dagger} \newcommand\aastex{AAS\TeX} \newcommand\latex{\hologo{LaTeX}{}\xspace} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{tabulary}