PoissonSolver3DCylindricalGPU adalah pustaka yang dikembangkan untuk menyelesaikan persamaan Poisson 3 dimensi dalam sistem koordinat silinder dengan akselerator GPU
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652 B

#include <catch.hpp>
#include "PoissonSolver3DGPUTest.h"
TEST_CASE( "INFO and WARN do not abort tests", "[messages][.]" ) {
INFO( "this is a " << "message" ); // This should output the message if a failure occurs
WARN( "this is a " << "warning" ); // This should always output the message but then continue
TEST_CASE( "SUCCEED counts as a test pass", "[messages]" ) {
SUCCEED( "this is a " << "success" );
TEST_CASE( "Correctness for Poisson Solver ", "[classic]" ) {
INFO( "this message should be logged" );
INFO( "so should this" );
DoPoissonSolverExperiment(17, 17, 18, 200, 0);
REQUIRE( 1== 1 );