# Computational Molecular and Material Design Environment (CMMDE)
# Computational Molecular and Material Design Environment (CMMDE)
## Introduction
## Background
This software is developed for decreasing the barrier in using popular open-source computational chemistry software. Currently, CMMDE can use the following software:
This software is developed for decreasing the barrier in using popular open-source computational chemistry software. Currently, CMMDE can use the following software:
7. [xTB via Orca](https://github.com/grimme-lab/xtb)
7. [xTB via Orca](https://github.com/grimme-lab/xtb)
## About CMMDE
CMMDE is a set of tools based on Python for running computational jobs, as well as analyzing, visualizing, and post-processing the results in free/libre and open source applications for computational molecular & material design.
Core developers: Adit, Atthar, Hasan, MAM, Tommy
Contributors: Athiya MH, Arifin, Daniel
Core reviewers: Igun, Imam, Parsaoran
Committed users: Yusthinus, Veli, Mirella, Riyanto, Badra, Hilda, Rustaman, Edu
Tahap kedua peluncuran CMMDE, didahului workshop:
15 Agustus 2022:
Workshop on Text-Based CMMDE
16 Agustus 2022:
Workshop on Web-Based CMMDE
Launching CMMDE: Web-Based Version
Launching Consortium on Computational Science Development